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Posted December 6, 2023 by Rental Advisors

Deck The Halls With Apartment-Friendly Christmas Decor

Decking the halls while keeping your security deposit – is there a way to balance these things? With this guide, we will help you transform your space into a Christmas paradise while maintaining a stress-free relationship with your property manager. Through creative tactics and stylish additions, your apartment will be infused with festive cheer in no time.

Get A Small Christmas Tree

Christmas trees can take up a lot of room, so search for one that will fit better in your space. Pencil trees are less wide at the bottom, taking up less room and leaving a large enough walkway. If you’re okay with missing out on the grandiose nature of the large Christmas tree, opt for a mini version. These can be placed anywhere in your apartment, take up very little space, come in a variety of styles and still deliver a festive touch. Both options will help minimize damage to the walls as there is less possibility of knocking or shifting it.

How To Decorate Your Walls and Windows

Walls house a lot of potential for Christmas decor, but there is art to decking the walls while keeping them intact. Wall decals are always a great option since they’re inexpensive, easy to remove and won’t wreck the paint. You can also use them to decorate your windows, using shapes like snowflakes to make a winter wonderland without the chill. Removable hooks, such as Command strips, are great alternatives to screws and hooks as they can hold all your ornaments, wreaths and string lights without damaging the walls. Hang these on walls, windows, ceilings, doors, shelves and more to hang stockings, garland and a variety of other decorations.

Focus on Replacing, Don’t Add Too Much

It may feel like there is no space in your home to add festive decorations, so swap out your regular items for Christmas-themed ones. Replace your throw pillows, blankets, towels and doormats for holiday ones, creating a cheery atmosphere throughout the home. You can also swap out any candles – decorative or burnable – for merry scents like cinnamon, peppermint, apple or fresh baked goodies. You can also get battery-operated ones to minimize the fire risk. If you have extra storage, like a basement or external unit, this will be essential for housing extra home decor.

There are some items that you may want to add that can’t replace something that is around yearly. Clear off some shelves or surfaces and create a designated Christmas village. This does not have to be large – just a couple houses and a few townspeople. Also, ornaments can be placed anywhere. They can be put in jars, on tabletops and other surfaces since they don’t take up a lot of room.

Utilize Your Balcony

If you have a balcony, this is a great area to decorate. Wrap some lights around the railing, add some holiday plants and accent pieces to your furniture and enjoy the festive fairyland from the comfort of your home.