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Posted August 10, 2023

7 Brilliant Uses for Used Lemons Before Saying Goodbye

Lemons are a versatile and refreshing fruit that add a zesty flavor to various dishes and drinks. After juicing or using them for garnishing, you might wonder what to do with the leftover lemon peels and rinds. Before bidding farewell to these citrus wonders, consider the numerous brilliant ways you can make the most of them. 

Natural All-Purpose Cleaner

Transform those used lemon peels into a powerful natural all-purpose cleaner. Simply place the peels in a glass jar and cover them with white vinegar. Let the mixture sit for a few weeks in a cool, dark place to infuse. Afterward, strain the liquid and dilute it with an equal amount of water. This homemade lemon-infused vinegar cleaner is perfect for cutting through grease, grime, and stains on kitchen surfaces, countertops, and even floors.

Freshen Up the Fridge

The fresh scent of lemons makes them an excellent deodorizer for your refrigerator. Before discarding the used lemon peels, rub them on the inside of your fridge and let the citrus fragrance work its magic in neutralizing odors. Replace the peels every week or two for ongoing freshness.

Garbage Disposal Deodorizer

Don't let your garbage disposal spread unpleasant odors in the kitchen. Freeze small lemon wedges and toss them down the disposal. As the blades chop the frozen lemons, they'll release their natural oils, leaving your kitchen smelling clean and citrusy.

Lemon-Infused Ice Cubes

Give your beverages a burst of lemony goodness by creating lemon-infused ice cubes. Fill an ice cube tray with water and drop a small lemon slice or a few drops of lemon juice into each compartment. Once frozen, these lemon-infused ice cubes can be used to chill water, iced tea, cocktails, and more.

Lemon-Scented Sachets

Create your own aromatic sachets by drying out used lemon peels. After thoroughly drying the peels, place them in small fabric pouches or sachet bags. These lemon-scented sachets can be used to freshen up drawers, closets, and other confined spaces, leaving behind a pleasant citrus fragrance.

DIY Citrus Air Freshener

Make your own refreshing and non-toxic air freshener with used lemons. Simmer lemon peels, along with other citrus peels if available (like oranges or grapefruits), in a pot of water on the stove. The steam will release a citrusy aroma, naturally freshening the air throughout your home.

Don't let those used lemons go to waste! Instead of tossing them out, put them to good use with these brilliant ideas. Embrace these inventive uses for used lemons before saying goodbye, and you'll not only reduce waste but also discover the magic of lemons beyond their culinary delights.