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Posted January 18, 2023 by Rental Advisors

Winter Cycling Tips and Maintenance Suggestions

Before your first ride in the winter, make sure your bike and you are prepared. Tune up your bike and lubricate your chains with a wet lube for optimal performance. Some riders like to use wide or fat bike tires to have better handling on slushy, snowy conditions. You’ll also want to equip fenders to protect your clothing from tire backsplash. And lastly, drivers rarely expect to see cyclists on the roads so make sure your bike has efficient lights.

Getting yourself ready to ride is equally important. Riders should wear bright or reflective jackets and rain pants to stay visible and dry. Dress in thin layers that can be added or removed according to the conditions. Don’t forget to wear a thin wool cycling cap under your helmet that’ll keep your ears warm too. Because cycling requires your hands to be out in the elements, you’ll want a good set of cycling gloves to protect them from the elements.   

Stay safe while cycling by starting off slowly. Go for short rides to get used to the weather and conditions. Ensure you give drivers extra space and avoid their blind spots. Ensure your bike lights are visible and consider adding a light to your helmet for extra visibility. Winter days are dreary, and the sun goes down earlier than other seasons. With minimal light outside, use your bike and helmet lights every time you ride, no matter the weather. 

Maintain your bike after every ride by:

  • Checking your tire pressure. Pressure should be 10-20% less than during the warmer months.
  • Wiping down your bike after ever ride. Also wax to the frame to protect from damage.
  • Wiping & cleaning the chain, then lubricating it with a wet lubricant and wiping off the excess.