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Posted May 30, 2022 by Rental Advisors

How to Make the Most of Your Commute to Work

A long commute can become stressful or tedious over time. If your commute is bringing you down, try these simple suggestions to make the most of your commute to work.

Use the time to plan your day and make a list of everything you want to accomplish. If you drive to work, use a voice assistant to help you record your thoughts and turn them into goals for the day. Google Voice on android and Siri on iPhone can help you set reminders and take basic notes for you. Alternatively, download the Dictation app at the App Store or Voice notes on Google Play to record your thoughts

If you take a public transit or ride share, use your commute to get ahead on work by respond to emails, return phone calls, or have a quick meeting. Maximizing your every moment you have on your way to work can help you excel at your job, advance your position, or make you more organized. This is also the perfect time to catch up on work related reading or webinars. 

Your commute can also act as a buffer to allow you to decompress from a stressful day or psych yourself up for an important meeting. If you’re not driving, review your notes for a speech or a meeting to help you feel more prepared. Alternatively, listening to calming music or music that helps you destress can be beneficial during a commute. This can help you get into the right frame of mind for work, or help you leave work behind and embrace your home life.

Listening to audiobooks can relax your brain and help you focus on something other than your commute. Nearly all books on shelves have an audiobook version available for download. Amazon Prime members get 2 free audiobooks each month through Audible. Alternatively, borrow your audiobooks from library apps like Cloud Library, Libby, and Hoopla.

If you’re finding your commute to be too much to handle, it might be time to consider moving closer to your office. Here at Re/max Rental Advisors, we have several rentals available throughout Alberta