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Posted October 17, 2023 by Rental Advisors

How to Make Trick-Or-Treating Safer for Your Tenants

As Halloween draws near, so do the trick-or-treaters. Being a property manager during this season brings a unique set of responsibilities as you care for not only your residents, but any visitors who step foot on your premises. With this guide, you can turn this spooktacular event into a secure one. After all, nothing beats the magic of a safe and well-managed Halloween night.

Make Sure Outside Is Well Lit

Kids will stay out as late as possible to get the most candy, so ensure that the streetlights and porch lights are working and illuminating all necessary areas. Since people are roaming the property freely all night, poor lighting can make pathways and entrances potentially dangerous. Also, a lot of criminal activity is veiled by darkness, so having working lights will allow for everyone to stay safe on this spooky night.

Clean Common Areas

Once the sugar high kicks in, kids will be running all over the place. It is important to clear any hazards that could be in their path. This includes trash, maintenance equipment and organic material like leaves. These uncleared dangers can cause children or parents to slip, which could lead to lawsuits and medical bills that you’ll have to cover. As well, trim any bushes or tree branches that may block off sidewalks to keep all walkways open and ensure the maximum space is available. Kids also have the potential to cut through lawns, so either ask your tenants to clear their grounds and cut their grass or have a third-party company take care of it.

Send Safety Reminders to Tenants

While there are a lot of precautions you can take as a property manager, it is crucial to ask your tenants to keep their spaces safe as well. Before Halloween night, send them a guideline of rules and expected behaviours for during the festivities. Outline rules for keeping pets indoors to avoid scaring children, injuries or the risk of the pet getting loose. Also, remind them of fire safety. It is common to light candles within jack-o-lanterns or for decoration, so prohibit the product and ask tenants to use other alternatives – like LED lights – instead.

Consider Increased Security

There will be plenty of children entering your property grounds and you’ll want to keep them as safe as possible. To do this, consider setting up better security measures. This could be a community watch or an external security company. Also, encourage open communication between yourself, tenants and neighbours to prevent any mischief from occurring.

Decorate Unoccupied Properties

If it is apparent that a home is vacant, it becomes a beacon for potential crime on Halloween night. To avoid break-ins and vandalism, add some decorations outside and turn on the porch lights. For the finishing touch, leave a bowl of candy on the steps and ask kids to take 1 or 2 pieces. This will deter any crime by giving the impression that someone lives in the home but is out for the evening.