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Posted October 16, 2023 by Rental Advisors

Keep Your Pets Calm During A Move

While moving may be an exciting new adventure for you, it might not be for your pet. With their keen senses and attachment to familiar environments, they find the moving process to be nerve-wracking. With these tips, you can help make the transition for your furry friends as smooth as possible.

Overall, it is crucial that you continue your daily routine. Maintaining a consistent schedule before, during and after the move will help keep your pet comfortable and lower their stress levels. Track when you perform tasks with your pet – such as feeding, walking and playing – and make sure to take time out to do them. These breaks will be beneficial for your health and anxiety levels as well. It is also important to stay calm during this time. Moving can be stressful and your pet will feed on these negative emotions which will affect their behaviour. Look for signs of discomfort, be patient with them and give them lots of attention.

When you get the keys to the house, take your pet over to the new property and gradually introduce them to it. Start by letting them explore one room at a time and increase it as they become more relaxed. This will help prevent them from getting overwhelmed. If possible, keep them on a leash to prevent free roaming as well as set boundaries and rules for acceptable behaviour during this time.

When the official moving day has arrived, it is important to protect your pet. To keep them safe, confine them in their own space so they don’t risk running away or getting hurt. Check in with them periodically to make sure they are calm. Once your belongings are in your new home, create a cozy space for your pet. Use familiar items – like their bed, toys, food and water – to ease their anxiety of the space with recognizable smells.

If you can, move your pets last. This way, any hazards can be cleaned up before their arrival, allowing them to run free in a safe space. When it comes to physically moving your pet, ensure that you have secure transportation for them. This can be in your car with a comfortable carrier or restraint. Make sure to familiarize them with the products beforehand to make the process easier.

As pet owners, it is our responsibility to make sure our pets are taken care of. A little extra care and attention will go a long way in protecting their well-being during this stressful time. After all, home is where the heart is, and that includes the paws and tails of your best friends.